Book Review: Witch Trial Legacy



Title: Witch Trial Legacy (The Cassadaga Collection, Book 1)

Author:  Katherine Eddinger Smits

Published – October 11, 2021

Genre – Paranormal Romance

Sub-Genre – Suspense

Setting – Cassadaga, Florida and surrounding area

Heroine – Sybilla Sanborn, a healer

Hero- Conn Ahern, a former combat veteran who works as an EMT

Other Characters- Elana, Neelie, Alse, Linda, Jason, horses, Tucker the dog,   Lucy the elusive kitty.

Major Themes- Struggle to be true to one’s calling in the face of skepticism, criticism, and danger; Learning to open to and count on others.

Descriptors – How family lineage affects the present day; Dealing with self-defeating behaviors and tendencies; PTSD; Combat veterans; Service to others at cost to oneself; Curses; Fear and superstition; Paranormal and spiritual pathways of life; Cassadaga, a spiritualist community in Florida.

Having visited the unique community of Cassadaga, I was gratified to see it featured. Also interesting were the historical scenes of the witch trial era in Connecticut. The heroine, her family legacy, and the well-thought-out storyline all make for a great read. What I love best is Conn, the soul-wounded hero who captivated me right away. He is a good guy, masculine and endearing at the same time. I enjoy watching him go about his regular day, from his emergency work to chill-down time on the ranch, as well as his relationship with Sybilla.

Favorite Supporting Character- Lucy the kitty.

Fun Tidbit- The energetic merge of past and present is so interesting.

Memorable Line- “What kind of moron runs around the boonies in shorts and flip-flops?”

Buy Witch Trial Legacy

 Cheers & Happy Reading!

Flossie Benton Rogers, Conjuring the Magic with Spirited Stories

By Flossie Benton Rogers

Paranormal romance author who loves to shake the edges of reality.


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